Monday, September 12, 2016

What's on YOUR plate (part 2 of 2)

I am very literal.  To me, your words mean a lot.  I am a believer in context and the specifics of your content. 
As I have mentioned, I am careful when it comes to relying on quotes.  I want to believe in not only the singular quote, but also the overarching theme and the speaker's values. 
Since high school and even into my years as a coach at UCF, I had a bulletin board up in my room, locker, or office.  (anyone still use bulletin boards anymore?)  I kept a powerful quote on that bulletin board...and well, it is from the Bible, so it's pretty easy to value!
1 Corinthians 10:21
You cannot drink from the cup of the Lord and from the cup of demons, too. You cannot eat at the Lord's Table and at the table of demons, too.
This quote in 1st Corinthians centers around fleeing from idolatry.  You know though - the Bible can be tough to understand!  And I was a 17yr old looking for discipline and reminders to be good and steadfast all the time.  I didn't idolize cross-country, but I did and still do heavily value the sport.  To do well was a healthy desire.  I used this quote to remind me to be a good person all the time everywhere.  I used this quote to not be a hypocrite.  I used it to help me keep choosing the good path.  I used it to remind myself to be a "24-hour-athlete" that was training through the summer and all school season.  I wasn't just showing up for practice day after day. 
First race of 1999 cross-country season (senior Hilary White Spier in black & me in red)
Final race of 1999 cross-country season (sophomore Jill Gerber leading and senior and college teammate Kelly Walker Brasol just behind me)
Being a 24hr athlete is another way of understanding the difference between being in 'practice mode' where you're going to practice in the morning or after school and spending an hour or so running versus being in 'training mode'.  Training mode is when you're living the life that supports your goals.  You're not practicing hard, but also sleeping very little.  Those are two very different things to have on your plate that do not support each other.  You're not running intervals hard on Sunday, but keeping your heart rate at 125bpm the rest of the week.  Practice mode is showing up for 2hrs of practice and eating chips for dinner because you didn't feel like making chicken and veggies.  Where do you fall short in training?  What keeps you from being a 24hr athlete?  Do you have too many things on your plate?  Where's your conflict, what's your demon?  Thankfully, my teammates and our coach, Tracey Kuhn, shared the same values and beliefs.  I am so thankful for Ashley, Natalie, Erin, Ali, Marisa, Ashley, Jen, Nicole, Leah, and Coach Tracey Kuhn.

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