Thursday, July 7, 2016

"Do what you said you're going to do."

"Do what you said you're going to do."
I like to look forward and work to progress, but it is always important to look back and reflect, too.  In a previous blog, I mentioned I would discuss 2008-2010.  One of my mantras has been the quote above. 
In 2008 I worked the U.S. Olympic Trials out in Eugene.  So cool, right?  Great summer job?  Yes, in all ways...except one.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I wouldn't come back to this meet in 2012 and wear khakis and ask Olympic qualifiers what size jackets they wanted for the USA kit I would mail them the following week.  I watched, writhed, and devised a four year plan. Because I'm realistic, but also didn't really know what I was getting myself into, I gave myself a two year re-up to call my bluff.   
I mean honestly.  I hadn't run well since 1999 when I was in the fall of my senior year of high school.  Yes, high school.  Mono took me out of my senior year spring track season and college was no good.  Then it was time for grad school and to get a job.  That put me with eight years of very little running.  I made goals anyhow and I put myself on report for 2010.  Then I got to work. I had to!

In 1999, my PRs were: 800yds 2:12, Mile 4:55, 2mile 11:09, 5K 18:03...and Pole Vault 11'1.25"
In 2008 my PRs were: 800m 2:11, 1500m 4:29 once and 4:37 every other time (converts to Mile times of 4:47 and 4:55 every other time), indoor mile 5:02, 3K 10:48, 3K Steeple 10:42, 5K 18:03 still. 

Pretty average for a high schooler and I was 8 years removed from high school graduation. Not much progress.  And those 2008 PRs really are from 2001 when I had one decent season.

If I hadn't made enough progress by 2010, I would need to move on and be satisfied that I had given it a shot.  I would also need to recognize that it wasn't worth another two years (2011-2012) of training and working part-time to be very mediocre.  I am confident that there are things that I can do very well.  If I could only compete in track & field in mediocrity, I needed to recognize that and leave the training and competing to go pursue other great endeavors. 

One big motto or mantra during these years was, "Do what you say you're going to do." I did.  I also did what my coach told me to do.  I moved up to Indianapolis and trained under Coach Greg Harger with a crew of 800-1500m guys mainly.  I still love looking back at those training logs from the fall of 2008.  I am so thankful Coach Harger encouraged me to join the Indiana Invaders and gave me a place to start developing.  3x1K in 3:53-3:55 for a workout and I was pleased.  He still let me on the team?  My teammates still talked to me?  No one laughed?  Thankfully I had tunnel vision and not much interest or time for looking up too much on the internet.  I wasn't good enough to bump into anyone good and have conversations regarding major workouts.  So I continued into the spring of 2009. 

My PRs that season became: 800m 2:11indoors, indoor mile 4:49, 1500m 4:24, 3K Steeple 10:11, 5K 17:42 at practice
Progress, a lot of work, and not good enough.  I could see progress in all sorts of ways and I had to keep practicing.  Things were working.  I was learning. 
Every Wednesday I would get home from work at 5:20pm, listen to the same two songs as I changed for practice, then run out the door to IUPUI to practice.  I was loving it!

So how did 2010 go?  How did I base my decision?  Who gave me feedback in that decision-making process? 
Next week I'll ask you what you would say to Molly and tell you how and why I kept going in 2010. 
Are you watching the Trials?


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